Dr. Susan Zahner

Credentials: DrPH, MPH, RN, FNAP, FAAN

Position title: Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor Emeritus

Dr. Susan Zahner

Since joining UW-Madison’s School of Nursing faculty in 2000, Professor Susan Zahner has focused on improving public health practice through research and workforce development. Dr. Zahner has served as the Principal Investigator for grants supporting the New to Public Health Residency Program. Her research program has focused on improving the performance of local public health systems to achieve population health improvement within communities. Recent studies have examined inter-organizational collaborative strategies in public health, public health nursing practice improvement, public health workforce development, and evaluation of continuing education approaches for public health professionals. Dr. Zahner initiated and continues to direct the Wisconsin Public Health Research Network. This virtual organization links public health practitioners and public  health researchers across the states to facilitate practice-relevant research. Dr. Zahner is currently the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs with the School of Nursing and is a Fellow in the National Academies of Practice in addition to the American Academy of Nursing.