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Foundational Public Health Services Model 1

The N2PH Residency Program utilizes the nationally accepted Foundational Public Health Services Model as its framework. Content of each monthly session is driven by a foundational area or capability within the framework. Monthly outcome evaluation by learner assessment is informed by objectives of the foundational area or capability as described by the Foundational Public Health Services model.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Quality Training Standards 2

The N2PH Residency Program was developed using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s eight Quality Training Standards (CDC, 2020).

American Public Health Association’s Key Principles for Advancing Health Equity 3

Online content within the N2PH Residency Program was developed using APHA’S Key Principles for Advancing Health Equity (American Public Health Association, n.d.).

The Kirkpatrick Model


The Kirkpatrick Model is a framework for training evaluation that describes four levels of training outcomes4

  1. Reaction
  2. Learning
  3. Behavior
  4. Results

The N2PH Residency Program utilizes this model given its ease, wide recognizability, and acceptance as a framework tool for training and program evaluation.

Modified Version of the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals

The N2PH Residency Program utilizes the Modified Version of the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals as part of evaluation. The competency assessment is based off of the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals which is a foundational set of skills essential for public health practice. The modified version is a simplified version for use in workforce development efforts which group similar competency statements into various categories.5 Residents will complete this method of evaluation prior to, midway, and upon completion of the N2PH Residency Program.

Adapted Casey-Fink Nurse Retention Survey

The revised Casey-Fink Nurse Retention Survey is a validated and commonly used instrument to identify nurse perceptions of the work environment, support, and encouragement.6 This tool was adapted for all public health professionals with permission from its owners to assess factors that contribute to employee satisfaction and subsequent retention rates.

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1. Public Health National Center for Innovations (PHNCI). Foundational public health services in action. PHNCI. https://phnci.org/national-frameworks/fphs. Published February 2022.

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Quality training standards. https://www.cdc.gov/training/development/standards/index.html2.

3. American Public Health Association. (n.d.). Creating the healthiest nation: Advancing health equity. https://www.apha.org/-/media/files/pdf/factsheets/advancing_health_equity.ashx

4. Kirkpatrick Partners. (2022). What is the kirkpatrick model? https://www.kirkpatrickpartners.com/the-kirkpatrick-model/

5. The Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice. (2017). Modified Version of the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals. http://www.phf.org/resourcestools/Pages/Modified_Core_Competencies_for_Public_Health_Professionals.aspx

6. Fink R, Casey K. Casey-Fink surveys. UCHealth. Accessed November 24, 2021. https://www.uchealth.org/professionals/professional-development/casey-fink-surveys/