young woman smiling with hands raised in excitemtent appears to be engaged online (looking at lapstop screen)


Mentor image: young man and woman discuss and point while looking at laptop screenBy collaborating with professionals in their first year of public health, mentors can development their own leadership skills in addition to coaching their resident(s) in leadership development. Mentors will benefit from opportunities in tailoring interprofessional communication skills, developing leadership skills, learning from diverse perspectives, and gaining personal satisfaction1.

The New to Public Health Residency Program team will match mentors with one-to-three residents of the New to Public Health Residency Program. Group mentoring sessions between residents and mentors should be scheduled for one-to-two hours per month. Meetings are typically offered through video conferencing.

Mentors are supported through an initial orientation, resources (guidebook, discussion templates), session summaries, scavenger hunts, evidence-based practice course, and optional monthly micro-learning and networking calls.

Efforts will be made to pair mentors with a residents outside of their own organization and from their same state.


  • At least one year of experience within the field of public health (note: Individuals working in governmental public health, non-governmental public health sectors, educational institutions, and individuals with past public health experience or who are retired may volunteer to become a mentor.)
  • Agree to a 12-month commitment with resident(s)
  • Connect with resident(s) one-to-two hours per month
  • Attend initial mentor orientation
  • Optional networking events will be available


Ready to Become a Mentor?

The purpose of the Mentor Application is to best match your background, skills, and goals to a N2PH Residency Program resident.

Click the button below to submit your interest in being a mentor.

Mentor Application


Preview the mentor application.

Why Mentoring?

Diverse team engaged at white board in library or office settingThe mentorship component of the New to Public Health Residency Program offers layers of leadership development  that support professional identity, insight, and growth for both mentors and residents. Mentors and residents can share perspectives working in public health organizations and share resources, experiences, and lessons learned on the job.

Through the 12-month program, the mentorship will build intra-agency and cross-county collaboration. These benefits have the ability to lead to improved staff morale, retention, and advanced collaboration skills of diverse perspectives and work styles2.


Delivery & Methods

Additional Questions?

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1. Center for Health Leadership and Practice, Public Health Institute (2003b), “Mentoring Guide: A Guide for Mentors”

2. Smith, L. S., McAllister, L. E., & Snype Crawford, C. (2001). “Mentoring benefits and issues for public health nurses.” Public Health Nurse 18(2): 101-107.