Christie Reece
Credentials: M.Ed.
Position title: Staff Development Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Christie is a staff development specialist and workforce team lead with the Office of Policy and Practice Alignment at the WI Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health. In her role, Christie works with partners at the state, regional, and local levels to apply best practices in public health workforce development, training and development, and strengths-based collaboration. Christie’s background is project management and counselor education, with experience managing federal, state, and local grants and building community coalitions in Wisconsin over the past 15 years. Prior to that, she and her family relocated from State College, Pennsylvania, where she worked in community-based mental health services and management of welfare to work funds in the Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Area. Christie and her family are still avid Penn State, Steelers, and Pirates fans, but they also root for the Badgers, Packers, and Brewers.