Rose Atkinson
Credentials: BSN, RN
Position title: Public Health Nurse, Public Health Madison & Dane County
Rose has worked in healthcare for over 15 years in a variety of roles in rural, tribal, and urban communities in Wisconsin. Through lived and professional experiences Rose became passionate about addressing social determinants of health and systems-level change in health and healthcare. Adept at building authentic relationships and inspired by the ability to practice holistically, Rose pursued a degree in nursing.
In nursing school, Rose was educated on the expansive practice of Public Health Nursing which aligned with her passions and skillset. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, in the spring of 2020 and began her nursing career in Public Health at the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. A harrowing time for all nurses, Rose’s experience was no different as she assisted in leading a dynamic COVID-19 response for a rural Wisconsin county for nearly two years. In her first months as a Public Health Nurse, Rose was extended, and eager to accept, the opportunity to join the Pilot Cohort of the emerging New to Public Health Residency Program.
The New to Public Health Residency Program has been especially helpful and grounding for Rose having begun her Public Health Nursing career during a global pandemic. She is overjoyed to contribute as an advisory board member. Rose has a particular interest in empowering and ensuring access to a safe and supportive learning environment for all new to public health professionals, especially those with marginalized identities. She now works in her home county for Public Health Madison & Dane County as a Community-Based Public Health Nurse carrying out her passions of health equity and environmental justice.